Stacking Solar Cells Is A Neat Trick To Maximise Efficiency

Solar power is already cheap and effective, and it’s taking on a larger role in supplying energy needs all over the world. The thing about humanity, though, is that we …read more Continue reading Stacking Solar Cells Is A Neat Trick To Maximise Efficiency

NASA Found Another Super Earth With Tantalizing Possibilities

Earth is a rather special place, quite unlike the other planets in the solar system. It’s nestled at the perfect distance from the sun to allow our water to remain …read more Continue reading NASA Found Another Super Earth With Tantalizing Possibilities

Ask Hackaday: What If You Did Have a Room Temperature Superconductor?

The news doesn’t go long without some kind of superconductor announcement these days. Unfortunately, these come in several categories: materials that require warmer temperatures than previous materials but still require …read more Continue reading Ask Hackaday: What If You Did Have a Room Temperature Superconductor?

Could Moon Mining Spoil Its Untouched Grandeur And Science Value?

It’s 2024. NASA’s Artemis program is in full swing, and we’re hoping to get back to the surface of the Moon real soon. Astronauts haven’t walked on the beloved sky …read more Continue reading Could Moon Mining Spoil Its Untouched Grandeur And Science Value?