Scientists Call Out Apollo 17 After Investigating Moonquakes Past

In the vast realm of space exploration, new discoveries often emerge from old data. Thanks to advanced algorithms and keen observers, the seismic activities of our closest celestial neighbor, the …read more Continue reading Scientists Call Out Apollo 17 After Investigating Moonquakes Past

Liberté, égalité, fraternité: France Loses Its Marbles On Internet Censorship

Over the years we’ve covered a lot of attempts by relatively clueless governments and politicians to enact think-of-the-children internet censorship or surveillance legislation, but there’s a law from France in …read more Continue reading Liberté, égalité, fraternité: France Loses Its Marbles On Internet Censorship

The Clathrate Gun Hypothesis: Unearthing Puzzles of Warming Events Past

As the Earth continues to warm at a worrying rate, scientists continue to work to understand the processes and mechanisms at play. Amidst the myriad of climate-related theories and discussions, …read more Continue reading The Clathrate Gun Hypothesis: Unearthing Puzzles of Warming Events Past