[SANS ISC] Infostealer in a Batch File

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Infostealer in a Batch File“: It’s pretty common to see malicious content delivered as email attachments. Every day, my mailboxes are flooded with malicious content… which is great from a research point of view. Am I the only one to be happy when I see

The post [SANS ISC] Infostealer in a Batch File appeared first on /dev/random.

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Url only works from the browser it is generated from. Copying it into a Curl Command fails, and gives a 403 error. How can I fix this?

I am doing some web scraping for streaming files, .m3u8 mime type. In this particular instance, I can’t create a functional request that does not end up with a 403 Forbidden error.
How to reproduce:

Go here in the browser: https://sbplay…. Continue reading Url only works from the browser it is generated from. Copying it into a Curl Command fails, and gives a 403 error. How can I fix this?

SSL error when using curl with only trusted root certificate but server is already returning full certificate chain

My SSL server uses the following certificate setup: leaf -> intermediate -> root (trusted ca). I have verified using openssl that it’s returning both leaf and intermediate certificate (at least I think it does):
$ openssl s_client -s… Continue reading SSL error when using curl with only trusted root certificate but server is already returning full certificate chain

Certificate subject name ‘xxx’ does not match target host name ‘yyy’ [duplicate]

I have golang app that works as server which a single client accesses by the IP hostname (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). Trying to implement mTLS.
Since I have only one client, its cert/key pair (myclient.crt/myclient.key) is directly stored in the ser… Continue reading Certificate subject name ‘xxx’ does not match target host name ‘yyy’ [duplicate]

Debugging HTTP 403 Forbidden when using cURL for mutual authentication SSL (mTLS) [migrated]

I’m a beginner in security but I am trying to send a request to a server through mutual authentication.
I was given

CA pem file
client cert pem file
private key pem file

Right now, I’m trying to establish a connection to the server but i… Continue reading Debugging HTTP 403 Forbidden when using cURL for mutual authentication SSL (mTLS) [migrated]