Implementing Cryptography in AI Systems

Interesting research: “How to Securely Implement Cryptography in Deep Neural Networks.”

Abstract: The wide adoption of deep neural networks (DNNs) raises the question of how can we equip them with a desired cryptographic functionality (e.g, to decrypt an encrypted input, to verify that this input is authorized, or to hide a secure watermark in the output). The problem is that cryptographic primitives are typically designed to run on digital computers that use Boolean gates to map sequences of bits to sequences of bits, whereas DNNs are a special type of analog computer that uses linear mappings and ReLUs to map vectors of real numbers to vectors of real numbers. This discrepancy between the discrete and continuous computational models raises the question of what is the best way to implement standard cryptographic primitives as DNNs, and whether DNN implementations of secure cryptosystems remain secure in the new setting, in which an attacker can ask the DNN to process a message whose “bits” are arbitrary real numbers…

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On the Voynich Manuscript

Really interesting article on the ancient-manuscript scholars who are applying their techniques to the Voynich Manuscript.

No one has been able to understand the writing yet, but there are some new understandings:

Davis presented her findings at the medieval-studies conference and published them in 2020 in the journal Manuscript Studies. She had hardly solved the Voynich, but she’d opened it to new kinds of investigation. If five scribes had come together to write it, the manuscript was probably the work of a community, rather than of a single deranged mind or con artist. Why the community used its own language, or code, remains a mystery. Whether it was a cloister of alchemists, or mad monks, or a group like the medieval Béguines—a secluded order of Christian women—required more study. But the marks of frequent use signaled that the manuscript served some routine, perhaps daily function…

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Can linear congruential generator be used in public-key cryptography? [closed]

The question is not about generating pseudo-random numbers with linear congruential generator.
A linear congruential generator (LCG) is defined by the recurrence relation:
[ X_{n+1} = (a X_n + c) \mod m ]
Can LCG be used in public-key cryp… Continue reading Can linear congruential generator be used in public-key cryptography? [closed]

Could this method allow two people using weak cryptography to bootstrap their way to unbreakable cryptography (e.g. otp) [migrated]

Encryption schemes are usually explained to the general public in terms of "time required to break" where strong encryption like AES-256 should in theory take millions of years.
Given that secure random numbers streams are incomp… Continue reading Could this method allow two people using weak cryptography to bootstrap their way to unbreakable cryptography (e.g. otp) [migrated]