Successfully Crowdfunded Hardware: Everything Behind The Scenes

Two hands on a book labeled "hardware crowdfunding"

Crowdfunding hardware has its own unique challenges, and [Uri Shaked] wrote a fascinating report that goes into excellent detail about his experience bringing a crowdfunded hardware project to life. [Uri]’s …read more Continue reading Successfully Crowdfunded Hardware: Everything Behind The Scenes

One Man’s Quest to Build a Baby Book With Brains

Regular readers will know that Hackaday generally steers clear of active crowdfunding campaigns. But occasionally we do run across a project that’s unique enough that we feel compelled to dust …read more Continue reading One Man’s Quest to Build a Baby Book With Brains

COVID Anti-Vaxxers Make $$$ from Crowdfunding

People who spread anti-vaccine myths on the internet—why do they do it?
The post COVID Anti-Vaxxers Make $$$ from Crowdfunding appeared first on Security Boulevard.
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App-controlled smart sunglasses change tint on demand

Tech startup Ampere has smartened up the humble sunglasses with Dusk, a pair of shades that change tint on demand via a phone app or a button press. A deluxe model also packs built-in speakers and a microphone for making calls.Continue ReadingCategory:… Continue reading App-controlled smart sunglasses change tint on demand

Daymak turns to crowdfunding to build the world’s fastest three-wheeler

For the last decade, Canadian electric vehicle-maker Daymak has been looking to shake things up in the mobility space with all kinds of interesting creations. These included the world’s first wireless electric bike way back in 2011 and more recently, s… Continue reading Daymak turns to crowdfunding to build the world’s fastest three-wheeler

Desktop hologram printer produces custom 3D motion art at home

Holograms are one of those sci-fi promises that always seem to remain just out of reach. Now a former MIT Media Lab researcher is crowdfunding a desktop 3D hologram printer that can create images that pop out in 3D, and even appear to move.Continue Rea… Continue reading Desktop hologram printer produces custom 3D motion art at home

PowerShot Pick uses AI to automatically capture photos and videos

As it did with the Ivy Rec and PowerShot Zoom, Canon has launched a crowdfunding campaign to get an AI-powered camera called the PowerShot Pick into the hands of early adopters.Continue ReadingCategory: Photography, TechnologyTags: Canon, Artificial In… Continue reading PowerShot Pick uses AI to automatically capture photos and videos

XChange Promises Inexpensive Tool Changes for 3D Printers

[Teaching Tech] has been interested in adding a tool changer to his 3D printer. E3D offers a system that allows you to switch print heads or even change out a hot end for a laser or a (probably) light-duty CNC head. The price of the entire device, though, is about …read more

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