OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Grant – Handling of Access Token Upon Logging Out

I am new to OAuth 2.0. I used BShaffer’s OAuth PHP Server on Authorization Code Grant, and I understand that the client application can have its OAuth token separate from its session authentication, that is, if a user logs out, the access … Continue reading OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Grant – Handling of Access Token Upon Logging Out

Boom in Steam account hijacking is due to cheap Steam Stealers

With over 125 million active users, Valve’s Steam is the most popular online gaming platform in the world and, consequently, forms a huge pool of targets for cyber crooks and scammers. After all, Steam accounts contain users’ personal and payment info, as well as offer the opportunity to earn money by trading away items users have accumulated. “Account theft has been around since Steam began, but with the introduction of Steam Trading, the problem has … More Continue reading Boom in Steam account hijacking is due to cheap Steam Stealers

Dell open sources DCEPT, a honeypot tool for detecting network intrusions

Dell SecureWorks researchers have developed a tool that allows Windows system administrators to detect network intrusion attempts and pinpoint them to the original source (i.e. a compromised endpoint), and have made it available for everybody. “In Microsoft Windows networking, a domain is a group of computers that have registered with a central database known as the domain controller. Using a Windows component known as Active Directory (AD), network administrators can manage all user accounts, processes, … More Continue reading Dell open sources DCEPT, a honeypot tool for detecting network intrusions