Storing SSH credentials, need to decrypt them later for connection by python script

I am developing an application where one can add SSH credentials for servers and then an automated python script can fetch those credentials to login to the server and perform certain automated tasks.

The issue that I am fa… Continue reading Storing SSH credentials, need to decrypt them later for connection by python script

What Is Next-Generation Privileged Account Management?

Organizations need a privileged account management (PAM) solution that integrates seamlessly with the existing security environment — and helps security teams enforce least privilege policies.

The post What Is Next-Generation Privileged Account Management? appeared first on Security Intelligence.

Continue reading What Is Next-Generation Privileged Account Management?

How can I safely use Get-Credential to obtain a username and password for a set period of time for use as command line arguments?

Credentials in the form of SSH keys can be stored in memory using SSH Agent; However, if clicking the wrong link, or running a malicious program they can also be snatched from memory and sent somewhere else; which is why ssh-add offers th… Continue reading How can I safely use Get-Credential to obtain a username and password for a set period of time for use as command line arguments?