Remoticon 2021 // Vaibhav Chhabra and the M19 Collective Make One Million Faceshields

[Vaibhav Chhabra], the co-founder of Maker’s Asylum hackerspace in Mumbai, India, starts his Remoticon talk by telling a short story about how the hackerspace rose to its current status. Born …read more Continue reading Remoticon 2021 // Vaibhav Chhabra and the M19 Collective Make One Million Faceshields

Wearables Can Detect the Flu? Well…Maybe…

flow chart for Assessment of the Feasibility of Using Noninvasive Wearable Biometric Monitoring Sensors to Detect Influenza and the Common Cold Before Symptom Onset paper

Surprisingly there are no pre-symptomatic screening methods for the common cold or the flu, allowing these viruses to spread unbeknownst to the infected. However, if we could detect when infected …read more Continue reading Wearables Can Detect the Flu? Well…Maybe…