Wearables Can Detect the Flu? Well…Maybe…

flow chart for Assessment of the Feasibility of Using Noninvasive Wearable Biometric Monitoring Sensors to Detect Influenza and the Common Cold Before Symptom Onset paper

Surprisingly there are no pre-symptomatic screening methods for the common cold or the flu, allowing these viruses to spread unbeknownst to the infected. However, if we could detect when infected …read more Continue reading Wearables Can Detect the Flu? Well…Maybe…

Choosing the Optimal Sampling Rate for your DIY Heart Rate Monitor

With wearables still trying to solidify themselves in the consumer health space, there are a number of factors to consider to improve the reliability of such devices in monitoring biometrics. One of the most critical such parameters is the sampling rate. By careful selection of this figure, developers can minimize …read more

Continue reading Choosing the Optimal Sampling Rate for your DIY Heart Rate Monitor