Reverse tabnabbing: why not redirect the user in the new tab itself instead of the parent tab?

I have recently been reading about reverse tabnabbing, where a child window can change the url of the parent window if it has access to window.opener (which it has by default unless you explicitly disallow it)
In this case the phishing att… Continue reading Reverse tabnabbing: why not redirect the user in the new tab itself instead of the parent tab?

Is it possible to bypass malformed Content Security Policy missing quotes?

I found a website that has a very strict but malformed Content Security Policy of the form:
Content-Security-Policy: script-src none

which should actually be
Content-Security-Policy: script-src ‘none’

Firefox shows warnings

Content Secu… Continue reading Is it possible to bypass malformed Content Security Policy missing quotes?

Does CSP mitigate against client prototype pollution XSS and DOM XSS?

DOM XSS and client prototype pollution-based XSS have one thing in common, we are modifying the pre-existing JavaScript code to popup an alert(1). Will CSP mitigate XSS in this case? Theoretically, JavaScript is already there and we aren’t… Continue reading Does CSP mitigate against client prototype pollution XSS and DOM XSS?