The Phantom PSP: Crafting The Handheld Sony Never Sold

Custom built Playstation handheld

In the world of retro gaming, some legends never die – especially the ‘phantom’ PSP, Sony’s mythical handheld that never saw the light of day. While that elusive device remains …read more Continue reading The Phantom PSP: Crafting The Handheld Sony Never Sold

Supercon 2023: Building a Portable Vectrex, The Right Way

The Vectrex was a unique console from the early 1980s. Developed by a company you’ve probably never heard of—Smith Engineering—it was put into production by General Consumer Electronics, and later …read more Continue reading Supercon 2023: Building a Portable Vectrex, The Right Way

Sony PlayStation 5 Pro boosts graphics a little, price a lot

It’s that time of the console generation again, when the big players start refreshing their hardware for graphics boosts of arguable importance. Right on time, Sony has unveiled the PlayStation 5 Pro, with better buzzwords than last time at an absolute… Continue reading Sony PlayStation 5 Pro boosts graphics a little, price a lot