What are the security implications of publishing my web server & PHP config files?

I have a web server with many virtual hosts, config files, etc.

I’d like to track all of my web server & PHP config files using Git and have them hosted on a public GitHub repository, as this will make managing and backi… Continue reading What are the security implications of publishing my web server & PHP config files?

SSH to IP instead of to fully qualified hostname: does this reduce MITM risk?

I am applying configuration management to a VPS hosted by a VPS hosting company. Changing the hosting company is not an option, unfortunately.

This VPS has the following properties:

when newly-imaged or re-imaged, it gener… Continue reading SSH to IP instead of to fully qualified hostname: does this reduce MITM risk?

What is Configuration Drift?

In a previous post by my colleague Irfahn Khimji, he spoke about how ensuring devices on your network is a great way to minimize the attack surface of your infrastructure. Organizations like the Center for Internet Security (CIS) provide guidelines on … Continue reading What is Configuration Drift?

SSHguard: Does one to change any configuration for basic usage of the program?

I use Ubuntu 16.04 and I’ve installed SSHGuard (sudo apt-get install sshguard -y) to protect from Brute Force Attacks (BFAs) on whatever user.

From reading about the program in ArchLinux wikipedia and in the SSHguard website… Continue reading SSHguard: Does one to change any configuration for basic usage of the program?

Permissions for configuration file for program run as root that must be modifiable by SFTP

A shell script (myscript) will be run as root, by cron. It reads IP addresses from a configuration file, and updates iptables to whitelist those IPs for inbound connections.

myscript uses a regexp (regular expression) to par… Continue reading Permissions for configuration file for program run as root that must be modifiable by SFTP