It’s 2018, Secure Your Budgets with Secure Configurations!

Happy 2018, everyone! With the start of a new year, everyone makes resolutions that they may or may not be able to keep. One of the most common New Year’s resolutions (and arguably the most difficult to keep) is to exercise, get healthy, and/or l… Continue reading It’s 2018, Secure Your Budgets with Secure Configurations!

Chicken-and-egg-problem: What’s the intended secure way of installing anti-virus software with online installers?

In various places (notably, the English Microsoft Answers forums1), people are quick to note that a Windows machine should not get connected to the internet without any anti-virus software installed. Otherwise, infections are… Continue reading Chicken-and-egg-problem: What’s the intended secure way of installing anti-virus software with online installers?

The Azure IaaS Announcements from Ignite 2017

Aidan Finn shares a summary of the improvements to the Azure virtual machine and related services and features announced at the Microsoft Ignite 2017 conference.

The post The Azure IaaS Announcements from Ignite 2017 appeared first on Petri.

Continue reading The Azure IaaS Announcements from Ignite 2017