Cyber Monday – The Biggest Shopping Day of the Year?

Do you remember when Cyber Monday wasn’t a thing? In late November 2005, The New York Times reported: "The name Cyber Monday grew out of the observation that millions of otherwise productive working Americans, fresh off a Thanksgiving weekend of… Continue reading Cyber Monday – The Biggest Shopping Day of the Year?

Understanding Emerging Video Formats

In my previous post, we discussed two new image formats: High-Efficiency Image File (HEIF) and AV1 Image File (AVIF). In this article, we’ll take a closer look at two emerging video formats built on the same foundations. Continue reading Understanding Emerging Video Formats

Understanding Emerging Video Formats

In my previous post, we discussed two new image formats: High-Efficiency Image File (HEIF) and AV1 Image File (AVIF). In this article, we’ll take a closer look at two emerging video formats built on the same foundations.
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Understanding New Image Formats

Akamai Image & Video Manager (IVM) already supports key modern image types, such as WebP, JPEG 2000, and JPEG XR, but the imaging industry is always evolving and raising the bar on the balance of compression and quality. In addition, creative and d… Continue reading Understanding New Image Formats

Understanding New Image Formats

Akamai Image & Video Manager (IVM) already supports key modern image types, such as WebP, JPEG 2000, and JPEG XR, but the imaging industry is always evolving and raising the bar on the balance of compression and quality. In addition, creative and development teams are regularly asking about new formats, and it’s important to understand the leading ones. In this article, we’ll examine two newer image formats that are gathering momentum: High-Efficiency Image File (HEIF) and AV1 Image File (AVIF). Continue reading Understanding New Image Formats

Alternatives to Animated GIFs

We have all been amused by animated GIFs on lots of websites — dancing babies, cute cats, flying birds, funny memes, and countless others. Despite their popularity, animated GIFs can be very heavy and can contribute significantly to page performance issues. Continue reading Alternatives to Animated GIFs

Two months of Black Fridays?

Black Friday began in the U.S. as a way to funnel Thanksgiving holiday free time into a day of wanton gift shopping. It later spread globally as a retailer promotional blitz to kick off the holiday shopping season. Enter: Black…
The post Two months o… Continue reading Two months of Black Fridays?

What’s the point of habitual cookie consent? Analytics?

Last week I read an online post about schoolchildren who are taught in their IT lessons to just accept cookie consent pop-ups when they see them on the screen! That really is the definition of habitual consent. If we think about the intent of consent, it should be informed, unambiguous, and meaningful to the end user. In the example of the schoolchildren who were taught to consent by default: What are they consenting to? Continue reading What’s the point of habitual cookie consent? Analytics?