What custom GPTs mean for the future of phishing

OpenAI is putting more power into the hands of users of GenAI, allowing them to create their custom AI agents without writing code. These custom GPTs are the latest leap forward in the rapidly evolving AI landscape, but this highly tailorable yet easil… Continue reading What custom GPTs mean for the future of phishing

4 warning signs that your low-code development needs DevSecOps

Low code platforms have democratized development in the enterprise. They improve efficiency and enable companies to do more with less. But as you begin to do more you will start hitting speed bumps that eventually become roadblocks. If your releases ha… Continue reading 4 warning signs that your low-code development needs DevSecOps

Building resilience to shield your digital transformation from cyber threats

Digital transformation projects are top of mind for enterprises. 91% of businesses are currently engaged in some form of digital initiative. Yet, the average cost of a failed, delayed, or scaled-back digital transformation project is more than $4 milli… Continue reading Building resilience to shield your digital transformation from cyber threats

AI-assisted coding and its impact on developers

The emergence of AI has put into question the roles of software developers everywhere. In this Help Net Security video, Cat Hicks, VP of Research Insights at Pluralsight, discusses pressing questions that engineering organizations face regarding the ra… Continue reading AI-assisted coding and its impact on developers

GenAI in software surges despite risks

In this Help Net Security video, Ilkka Turunen, Field CTO at Sonatype, discusses how generative AI influences and impacts software engineers’ work and the software development lifecycle. According to a recent Sonatype survey of 800 developers (De… Continue reading GenAI in software surges despite risks

Are developers giving enough thought to prompt injection threats when building code?

With National Coding Week behind us, the development community has had its annual moment of collective reflection and focus on emerging technologies that are shaping the industry. Among these, large language models (LLMs) and “generative AI” have becom… Continue reading Are developers giving enough thought to prompt injection threats when building code?

Does a secure coding training platform really work?

As security vulnerabilities are reported to you time and again, you may ask yourself: “Why don’t these developers learn the lesson?” The next thing you may think is: “We should train developers, so they stop making these mistakes.” For many years… Continue reading Does a secure coding training platform really work?

Inspiring secure coding: Strategies to encourage developers’ continuous improvement

In software development, the importance of secure coding practices cannot be overstated. Fostering a security culture within development teams has become crucial to ensure the integrity and protection of digital systems. To delve deeper into this topic… Continue reading Inspiring secure coding: Strategies to encourage developers’ continuous improvement