The Four Pillars of CASB: Visibility

Due to the overwhelming amount of data exfiltration, auxiliary CASBs (cloud access security brokers) primarily focus on shadow IT discovery. While blocking unsanctioned apps sounds like the right approach, employees not having some of the tools they’r… Continue reading The Four Pillars of CASB: Visibility

The Cloudfathers: The Latest Cybersecurity Findings For Fortune 500

As areas of cloud computing, social media, e-commerce, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) are being explored and developed, the potential growth for leading tech organizations remains strong.
Continue reading The Cloudfathers: The Latest Cybersecurity Findings For Fortune 500

The Four Pillars of CASB: Identity

With cloud being so prevalent, it is inefficient for organizations to not consolidate the existing identity and authentication systems used for internal applications. Consequently, employees will no longer need to memorize multiple passwords for the p… Continue reading The Four Pillars of CASB: Identity

Digital Transformation, Cybersecurity, Cloud Apps, and Cloud Security

What you see in the title is what we covered in our latest webinar, but what part of it is really important? All of it? Some? Or is it all just marketing blather that can be ignored? The truth lies in the middle – we are all adopting more cloud … Continue reading Digital Transformation, Cybersecurity, Cloud Apps, and Cloud Security

The Four Pillars of CASB: Threat Protection

Threat protection, one of the four pillars that makes up Bitglass’s four quadrants, is integral for defense against malware. Bitglass’ CASB (cloud access security broker) can proactively defend against any threat, while other security tool… Continue reading The Four Pillars of CASB: Threat Protection

The Four Pillars of CASB: Data Protection

In this blog series, we discuss the key capabilities of cloud access security brokers (CASBs), and why organizations are turning to them as they migrate to the cloud. One of the four pillars of CASBs is data protection, which focuses on securing all i… Continue reading The Four Pillars of CASB: Data Protection

Bitglass Sales Kick-Off – Fun, Concise, and Effective!

Over the last 18 years, I have been to more than 40 SKO events in cybersecurity for numerous companies as either a sponsor or an attendee. Bitglass has certainly raised the bar with its emphasis on company culture and the importance of teamwork. As th… Continue reading Bitglass Sales Kick-Off – Fun, Concise, and Effective!

Securing G Suite with Bitglass

Moving from on-premises applications to cloud applications, such as G Suite, is a big step to becoming a modern enterprise. However, without proper security measures in place, the use of cloud applications can lead to unintended data leakage that may … Continue reading Securing G Suite with Bitglass

Can Private Attorneys Help Prevent Cybercrime?

The US government has attempted to legislate penalties for data breaches, both federally and by state, in hopes of creating incentives for companies and government agencies to better protect personally identifiable information (PII). See all 50 states… Continue reading Can Private Attorneys Help Prevent Cybercrime?

Guardians of the Cloud: The Latest Security Findings

With the emergence of cloud adoption and BYOD in the workplace, companies are experiencing an overwhelming amount of data breaches. This is largely because they are not taking the appropriate steps to secure data in the cloud. As such, Bitglass conduc… Continue reading Guardians of the Cloud: The Latest Security Findings