[SANS ISC] Proactive Malicious Domain Search

I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Proactive Malicious Domain Search“: In a previous diary, I presented a dashboard that I’m using to keep track of the DNS traffic on my networks. Tracking malicious domains is useful but what if you could, in a certain way, “predict” the upcoming domains

[The post [SANS ISC] Proactive Malicious Domain Search has been first published on /dev/random]

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[SANS ISC] Keep An Eye on your Root Certificates

I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Keep An Eye on your Root Certificates“. A few times a year, we can read in the news that a rogue root certificate was installed without the user consent. The latest story that pops up in my mind is the Savitech audio drivers

[The post [SANS ISC] Keep An Eye on your Root Certificates has been first published on /dev/random]

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Hackspace U

It’s funny, how obsessed we are with qualifications these days. Kids go to school and are immediately thrust into a relentless machine of tests, league tables, and exams. They are ruthlessly judged on grades, yet both the knowledge and qualifications those grades represent so often boil down to relatively useless pieces of paper. It doesn’t even end for the poor youngsters when they leave school, for we are now in an age in which when on moving on from school a greater number of them than ever before are expected to go to university. They emerge three years later carrying …read more

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