Support for domain-specific root CAs in X.509 certificate format, OS and browsers

Chance is one gets an invalid certificate warning when one follows this link As explained there (same warning) this is on purpose, and the solution is supposed to be to install1 extra root Certification Authority cert… Continue reading Support for domain-specific root CAs in X.509 certificate format, OS and browsers

How to feasibly digital sign high volume documents with CA issued digital certificate?

My organisation, say Acme, is building an e-signature platform where global businesses sign up and use the platform to send out e-signature requests. And when signers in a particular e-sign request sign the document, Acme must digitally si… Continue reading How to feasibly digital sign high volume documents with CA issued digital certificate?

What happens to the key pair once the CSR has been enrolled?

I have a key pair which I used to generate a CSR.
Once I enrolled that CSR PKCS10, I get from the PKI (or CA) a certificate signed with the PKI private key.
From here, I would like to know if my private key is useful in any way in regards … Continue reading What happens to the key pair once the CSR has been enrolled?

What happens at a low level when authenticating server certificates?

Regarding the TLS 1.3 Handshake Protocol:
When the Server sends it’s certificate, exactly how does the Client validate this?
I know at a high level the Client is verifying the data the Server sent matches what the Certificate Authority con… Continue reading What happens at a low level when authenticating server certificates?