On Demand Webinar: So Many Logs, So Little Time: Efficient Windows Event Log Analysis

Windows Event Logs record evidence of many significant types of activity, including when a machine was booted or shut down, when users logged in and out and from where, device insertions, network connections and so much more. But knowing how … R… Continue reading On Demand Webinar: So Many Logs, So Little Time: Efficient Windows Event Log Analysis

Register For Webinar: So Many Logs, So Little Time: Efficient Windows Event Log Analysis

Windows Event Logs record evidence of many significant types of activity, including when a machine was booted or shut down, when users logged in and out and from where, device insertions, network connections and so much more. But knowing how … R… Continue reading Register For Webinar: So Many Logs, So Little Time: Efficient Windows Event Log Analysis

FBI finally unlock shooter’s iPhones, Apple berated for not helping

The FBI’s Apple problem. Continue reading FBI finally unlock shooter’s iPhones, Apple berated for not helping

Apple says no to unlocking shooter’s phone; AG and Trump lash back

Attorney General Barr and President Trump are demanding Apple unlock the mass shooter’s iPhone. Apple replies: You can’t break just 1 phone. Continue reading Apple says no to unlocking shooter’s phone; AG and Trump lash back

FBI asks Apple to help it unlock iPhones of naval base shooter

This could signal a renewed war between Apple and law enforcement over breaking encryption.
Continue reading FBI asks Apple to help it unlock iPhones of naval base shooter

Cellebrite claims its new tool unlocks almost any iOS or Android device

By Waqas
Cellebrite is the same company which helped the FBI to unlock iPhone device of San Bernardino shooter. Renowned Law Enforcement contractor, the Israel-based forensics firm Cellebrite has claimed that they have developed a perfect tool to hack … Continue reading Cellebrite claims its new tool unlocks almost any iOS or Android device