“Snoop onto them… as they’d snoop onto us.” Moxie Marlinspike, founder of the encrypted messaging app Signal, revealed on Wednesday what he said were vulnerabilities in software that the company Cellebrite uses to break into encrypted phones. To accompany a blog post on what Marlinspike and his team of researchers learned, Signal produced a demonstration video featuring the above line of dialogue from the movie “Hackers.” In a blog post evidently dripping with sarcasm, Marlinspike detailed how he obtained the latest version of the company’s software, named UFED and Physical Analyzer, when he saw a small package fall off the back of a truck, prompting some digital probing. The vulnerabilities would amount to an ironic turn for Cellebrite, which makes its money hacking into smartphones. Its customer base includes the U.S. government and some authoritarian regimes, although the Israeli company recently announced it would stop doing business with Russia or […]
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