Proton CAPTCHA: New Privacy-First CAPTCHA Defense Against Bots

By Waqas
Meet new Proton CAPTCHA from Proton AG, a custom-built CAPTCHA system designed to thwart bots and spammers. Proton…
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How to limit user from making too many request on an API endpoint? [duplicate]

I have a form where the user can add his phone number then, he receives a verification code on his phone number to log in/register.
Now a user could make too many requests with generated valid numbers to cost me more money (the cost of sen… Continue reading How to limit user from making too many request on an API endpoint? [duplicate]

Google search warning of Meris DDoS botnet and requiring captcha while using VPN

When I submitted a query to, I received the message below with a captcha warning me that my router/modem may be compromised. I am using a VPN and have not received that warning when routing my traffic through other countries. Go… Continue reading Google search warning of Meris DDoS botnet and requiring captcha while using VPN