Why do we need HTTPS for static content? If we can have a checksum at the end signed by the private key, won’t that prove the validity?

This method which I am talking about can improve caching of images, videos, and CSS by the ISP rather than just depending on the browser cache. And it also proves the validity of the sender. Is there any reason why this semi-HTTPs not cons… Continue reading Why do we need HTTPS for static content? If we can have a checksum at the end signed by the private key, won’t that prove the validity?

Can I use CloudFlare if I want to avoid NSA and FISA secret orders?

We’re running a web service in Europe, secured with TLS and we’re using private keys generated on our private hardware.
We would like to use CloudFlare for DDoS protection and caching reverse proxy.
However, putting my tinfoil hat on, I’m … Continue reading Can I use CloudFlare if I want to avoid NSA and FISA secret orders?