Sushi Roll Helps Inspect Your CPU Internals

[Gamozolabs’] post about Sushi Roll — a research kernel for monitoring Intel CPU internals — is pretty long. While we were disappointed at the end that the kernel’s source is not exactly available due to “sensitive features”, we were so impressed with the description of the modern x86 architecture and …read more

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Understanding JVM soft references for great good (and building a cache)

Java (the island) landscape
There are plenty of good and popular caching libraries on the JVM, including ehcache, guava and many others. However in some situations it’s worth exploring other options. Maybe you need better performance. Or you want… Continue reading Understanding JVM soft references for great good (and building a cache)

How to Clean up Cache, Cookies and History on Opera

The Opera web browser may not be the most widely used browser but it is still adopted by millions of users. According to StatsCounter, Opera is used by 3,38% of users which makes it more popular than Internet Explorer, for…Read more
The post How to C… Continue reading How to Clean up Cache, Cookies and History on Opera

How to Clean Up Cache, Cookies and History on Google Chrome

То effectively clean junk files and free empty space, users can clean up their cache, cookies and history stored in the Google Chrome web browser. While this may sound hard for some users, our in-depth instructions show how this can…Read … Continue reading How to Clean Up Cache, Cookies and History on Google Chrome

4 reasons for slow mobile internet speeds

Have you ever gotten frustrated with your phone because the browser took more than five minutes to load? Before you start blaming your old phone, check out these four reasons that might be the cause of sluggish internet connection.
Router location
One… Continue reading 4 reasons for slow mobile internet speeds

Cookies: Should I worry about them?

Are cookies a threat? The answer depends on how much you care about privacy. Learn how to manage cookies and stay in control of your data.


Tags: browsercachecookiesevercookiesflashsilverlightsupercookiesvideo plug ins

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Spectre and Meltdown: How Cache Works

The year so far has been filled with news of Spectre and Meltdown. These exploits take advantage of features like speculative execution, and memory access timing. What they have in common is the fact that all modern processors use cache to access memory faster. We’ve all heard of cache, but what exactly is it, and how does it allow our computers to run faster?

In the simplest terms, cache is a fast memory. Computers have two storage systems: primary storage (RAM) and secondary storage (Hard Disk, SSD). From the processor’s point of view, loading data or instructions from RAM is …read more

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Spectre and Meltdown: Attackers Always Have The Advantage

While the whole industry is scrambling on Spectre, Meltdown focused most of the spotlight on Intel and there is no shortage of outrage in Internet comments. Like many great discoveries, this one is obvious with the power of hindsight. So much so that the spectrum of reactions have spanned an extreme range. From “It’s so obvious, Intel engineers must be idiots” to “It’s so obvious, Intel engineers must have known! They kept it from us in a conspiracy with the NSA!”

We won’t try to sway those who choose to believe in a conspiracy that’s simultaneously secret and obvious to …read more

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