simple buffer overflow does not work even though I give it the correct bytes as input in the EIP

I was trying out a CTF called “buffer overflow 1” from picoCTF which for some reason doesn’t work. I found the offset and entered the address to which function should be executed as the return address, however, it always points to another … Continue reading simple buffer overflow does not work even though I give it the correct bytes as input in the EIP

Is malware programmed in high-level language will be more detected than malware programmed in low-level language?

I would like to know if a simple malware designed to execute commands received by a C&C will have the same result rate if programmed in :

lower-language like C++
high-language like Python (converted to executable with a Python conver… Continue reading Is malware programmed in high-level language will be more detected than malware programmed in low-level language?