Fool Me Once, Shame on You — Fool Me Eight Times, Shame on My Security Posture?

Organizations with weak security posture are an attractive target for cybercriminals, and they may find themselves coming under fire frequently.

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Mitsubishi Hybrid SUV Hack Puts Drivers At Risk, Says Researcher

Researchers discover a vulnerability in Mitsubishi’s Outlander Hybrid SUV that allows hackers to disable the anti-theft alarm from a laptop and control the car’s heat and AC. Continue reading Mitsubishi Hybrid SUV Hack Puts Drivers At Risk, Says Researcher

Bug Hunter Found Ways to Hack Any Instagram Accounts

How to hack an Instagram account?

The answer to this question is difficult to find, but a bug bounty hunter just did it without too many difficulties.

Belgian bug bounty hunter Arne Swinnen discovered two vulnerabilities in image-sharing social netwo… Continue reading Bug Hunter Found Ways to Hack Any Instagram Accounts

Instagram Patches Brute-Force Authentication Flaws

Facebook paid researcher Arne Swinnen a $5,000 bounty for a pair of authentication vulnerabilities in Instagram that enabled brute-force attacks against usernames and passwords. Continue reading Instagram Patches Brute-Force Authentication Flaws

Footprinting and Brute-Force Attacks Remain Prevalent

With so much attention focused on APTs and mutating malware, it’s easy to overlook brute-force attacks — which can still be successful.

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