At the Behest of T-Mobile, the FCC Is Undoing Rules That Make it Easier for Small ISPs to Compete With Big Telecom

The rules around the Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum were changed in 2015 to make it easier for wireless ISPs to license space, but might be changed right before they are useful. Continue reading At the Behest of T-Mobile, the FCC Is Undoing Rules That Make it Easier for Small ISPs to Compete With Big Telecom

The FCC Disqualified a Bunch of Rural Communities from Receiving Internet Funding After Big Telecom Said They Already Have Internet

The data comes from a form the industry is required to file every six months, but it doesn’t necessarily give the full picture of where help is needed. Continue reading The FCC Disqualified a Bunch of Rural Communities from Receiving Internet Funding After Big Telecom Said They Already Have Internet