Experimental brain implant zaps away depression in real-time

An incredible proof-of-concept study has demonstrated how a brain implant can treat severe depression by electrically stimulating certain brain regions. The cutting-edge experimental implant monitors neural activity for biomarkers signaling the onset o… Continue reading Experimental brain implant zaps away depression in real-time

Brain-cleaning sleeping cap gets US Army funding

Everybody knows sleep is important, but there’s still a lot we don’t understand about what it actually does to the brain – and how its benefits could be boosted. To investigate, the US Army has awarded researchers at Rice University and other instituti… Continue reading Brain-cleaning sleeping cap gets US Army funding

New insights into how magnetic brain stimulation can improve memory

New research led by a team from the University of Glasgow is shedding light on how specifically targeted pulses of magnetic stimulation to the brain can improve episodic memory. The work found inhibiting activity in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cor… Continue reading New insights into how magnetic brain stimulation can improve memory

Landmark study presents evidence Alzheimer’s disease begins in the liver

Using a newly developed preclinical model, new research demonstrates how toxic amyloid proteins are produced in the liver and then travel to the brain

An impressive new study is presenting robust evidence showing the toxic proteins thought to be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease may be produced in the liver and travel through the blood before landing in the brain causing neuron damage.

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Clues of link between neurodegeneration and herpes virus infections

New research presents a novel mechanism that could help explain how viral infections lead to neurodegenerative disease

A new study published in the journal Nature Communications is suggesting a novel causal link between neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and infection with the herpesvirus. The preclinical research indicates a deficiency in a key protein allows the virus to trigger neuronal damage.

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Harvard study links poor office air quality with reduced cognitive function

New research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has found a correlation between air quality in office environments and workers’ cognitive function. The international study found low ventilation rates and increased levels of particulate … Continue reading Harvard study links poor office air quality with reduced cognitive function

Scientists give lab-grown mini-brains Parkinson’s disease

Tiny lab-grown mini-brains have now been induced to show pathology features of Parkinson's disease

To help us crack the complex puzzle that is our own brains, scientists have been growing miniature versions in the lab. Now, a team in Singapore has made a major breakthrough by growing mini-brains with the pathological features of Parkinson’s disease for the first time, potentially paving the way towards better treatments.

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Negative feelings of body image linked to weak gut-brain signals

A compelling new study led by researchers from Anglia Ruskin University has identified an association between negative body image and weak brain responses to signals from the gut and heart. The researchers hypothesize these findings could lead to objec… Continue reading Negative feelings of body image linked to weak gut-brain signals

Lubricated coating could keep brain implants working longer

While brain-implanted electrodes do show promise for applications such as restoring capabilities to the disabled, they tend to lose their functionality over time. A new coating, however, could allow them to work much longer once implanted.Continue Read… Continue reading Lubricated coating could keep brain implants working longer

Alzheimer’s discovery reveals “Achilles’ heel” of synapse degeneration

Researchers have uncovered a signaling pathway that could be targeted to prevent the synapse degeneration seen in Alzheimer's disease

Scientists believe one of the key culprits behind the cognitive decline seen in Alzheimer’s are amyloid beta proteins that clump together and disrupt the brain’s synaptic connections, but how they carry out such degeneration has remained unclear. A new study has shone compelling new light on this phenomenon, with the authors demonstrating how these toxic agents take aim at the “Achilles’ heel” of synapses, and better yet, how they might just be stopped.

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