COVID-19 increases risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & stroke, study finds

Looking at millions of health records in Denmark across 2020 and 2021, researchers saw higher rates of several neurodegenerative diseases in patients following COVID-19 infections

New research presented recently at the European Academy of Neurology Congress in Vienna has found an increased risk of several neurological disorders in patients following a bout of COVID-19. The study found the risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and stroke all increased in COVID-positive subjects compared to those uninfected.

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Blood vessel discovery points to alternative cause of Alzheimer’s dementia

New research hypothesizes narrowing blood vessels in the brain plays a role in the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease

Following yet another failed clinical trial testing a novel drug designed to break up the aggregations of toxic proteins thought to be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study suggests we look to a different part of the brain in the hopes of finding a treatment. Led by researchers from the University of Manchester the new study found disruptions to blood vessels in the brain may be contributing to the neurodegeneration seen in Alzheimer’s.

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Single MRI scan promises to diagnose early- and late-stage Alzheimer’s

Initial tests found an algorithm could identify Alzheimer's brain scans from healthy scans with 98 percent accuracy

Using machine learning, researchers have developed an algorithm that can accurately diagnose Alzheimer’s disease from a single MRI brain scan. The system is more accurate than any pre-existing diagnostic tool available to doctors and can also distinguish early-stage disease from more advanced stages.

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Similarities between Alzheimer’s and long COVID found in new study

A new study has found distinct parallels between COVID-19 and Alzheimer's disease

New research led by scientists from Australia’s La Trobe University suggests proteins generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus can form into aggregations similar to those found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers hypothesize this mechanism may underpin the persistent neurological symptoms such as brain fog seen in many patients suffering from long COVID.

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“Double life” of Parkinson’s protein points way to new treatments

A discovery around the function of a key protein in Parkinson's disease has opened up new possibilities for treatment

At the heart of much research into Parkinson’s, both its causes and new forms of treatment, is a type of brain protein called alpha-synuclein. This is known to play an important role in the movement of vesicle structures that transport materials in and around cells, but new research has found it is in fact leading a “double life,” impacting on gene expression in a way that opens up new possibilities for treatment.

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Cocaine receptor found in brain could lead to new addiction treatments

Scientists at Johns Hopkins have identified a previously unknown mechanism of cocaine’s activity in the brain, which could open new types of treatment for addiction to the drug. Intriguingly, it seems to work differently in male and female mice.Continu… Continue reading Cocaine receptor found in brain could lead to new addiction treatments

Dropping acidity raised as an overlooked culprit in Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists have shown how declining acidity levels in lysosomes can cause neuronal damage associated with Alzheimer's

Much research into Alzheimer’s focuses on the buildup of brain plaques as a primary cause, but the case is far from closed, particularly in the eyes of a research team at New York University. In newly published research, the scientists detail how declining acidity in cellular cleaning organelles called lysosomes acts as even earlier evidence of the disease’s onset, and they’ve shown how restoring proper acid levels could save neurons from irreversible damage.

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Experimental brain-on-a-chip better screens brain cancer treatments

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a vital line of defense to keep your brain safe from toxins, but frustratingly it can sometimes be too restrictive, keeping important drugs out. Researchers at MIT have now demonstrated an accurate new model of how this… Continue reading Experimental brain-on-a-chip better screens brain cancer treatments

“Expanding hole” illusion tricks the brain into dilating the pupils

When you view the image above, does it look like black smear in the center is expanding? If it does, that means you’re like most people – and your brain may even think that you’re entering a tunnel, adjusting your eyes accordingly.Continue ReadingCateg… Continue reading “Expanding hole” illusion tricks the brain into dilating the pupils

Alzheimer’s discovery hints at drugs to stop cells frying “like eggs”

A first-of-a-kind study has shown how Alzheimer's disease can cause brain cells to overheat

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have taken cutting-edge sensors used to measure temperature changes within cells to gain fascinating new insights into Alzheimer’s disease. The work shows how protein clumps long associated with the condition can cause heat to build up and fry brain cells “like an egg,” and more promisingly, demonstrated how drugs could be deployed to stop things from reaching harmful temperatures.

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