How can I find out what’s in this NASA JPL "Spy" command line program for macOS and how safe it is?

Discussion under this answer in Space Exploration SE links to items in NAIF; NASA Planetary Data System Navigation Node links for MacIntel_OSX_64bit
I’m looking at these two.

spy:… Continue reading How can I find out what’s in this NASA JPL "Spy" command line program for macOS and how safe it is?

Alternative to BinDiff that works on Linux x86_64 binaries (and preferably does not require IDA Pro)

I just realised that there exists "reverseenginnering.SE. nowadays.
Therefore moving there question below:
Is there alternative to
that w… Continue reading Alternative to BinDiff that works on Linux x86_64 binaries (and preferably does not require IDA Pro)