California Advances Landmark Legislation to Regulate Large AI Models

Efforts in California to establish first-in-the-nation safety measures for the largest artificial intelligence systems cleared an important vote.
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New Bill Could Force U.S. Businesses to Report Data Breaches Quicker

A bipartisan Senate bill would require some businesses to report data breaches to law enforcement within 24 hours or face financial penalties and the loss of government contracts. The legislation from Senate Intelligence Chair and Democratic Senator Ma… Continue reading New Bill Could Force U.S. Businesses to Report Data Breaches Quicker

Senate Bill Would Expand Facial-Recognition Restrictions Nationwide

The proposed law comes as police departments around the country for their use of facial recognition to identify allegedly violent Black Lives Matter protesters. Continue reading Senate Bill Would Expand Facial-Recognition Restrictions Nationwide

Employers can’t force you to get microchipped, Indiana reps say

The US state wants to make sure employers don’t “overstep their bounds” by imposing mandatory employee microchipping. Continue reading Employers can’t force you to get microchipped, Indiana reps say

Maryland Bill Would Make Owning Ransomware a Criminal Offense

Lawmakers in the US State of Maryland are debating a new bill that would make it illegal to own and distribute ransomware, and stiffens punishment for ransomware operators. If the bill passes, Maryland would be the third state, after Michigan and Wyomi… Continue reading Maryland Bill Would Make Owning Ransomware a Criminal Offense

DHS’s top cyber office is about to get a name that reflects its mission

The point office on cybersecurity in the Department of Homeland Security is on track for a rebrand. The Senate on Wednesday passed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act, which would both codify the office into law and give it a more relevant name. Under the bill, DHS’s National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) would become the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). DHS established the NPPD in 2007; the legislation is essentially Congress’ official seal of approval. The House is expected to hold a final vote soon, sending the bill to President Donald Trump. NPPD leads the U.S. government’s efforts to secure federal networks and critical infrastructure. The office has also been spearheading the federal government’s election security efforts since the threats that became apparent in 2016. The office coordinates with state and local election offices on information sharing and cybersecurity best practices. “It is ridiculous that DHS needs an act of […]

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