SHARED INTEL: What can be done — today — to keep quantum computing from killing encryption

There’s little doubt that the shift to quantum computing  will open new horizons of digital commerce. But it’s also plain as day that the mainstreaming of quantum processing power will profoundly exacerbate cybersecurity exposures. Rel… Continue reading SHARED INTEL: What can be done — today — to keep quantum computing from killing encryption

Orvis data leak and the need to monitor ‘paste’ sites

Fishing retailer Orvis had a serious (and embarrassing) data breach recently. Independent security researchers found a posting on text snippet site Pastebin with what appeared…
The post Orvis data leak and the need to monitor ‘paste’ sites appeared f… Continue reading Orvis data leak and the need to monitor ‘paste’ sites

Why Reinfections Happen with a WAF

A web application firewall (WAF) is a great way to detect and filter incoming malicious requests before they can exploit website vulnerabilities and security flaws. While a WAF helps protect against threats over HTTP/HTTPS, the website can still be ha… Continue reading Why Reinfections Happen with a WAF

US DoJ guidance on responding to and reporting cyber incidents

When thinking about how to respond to cyber security incidents, you need to think about how your organization will engage with law enforcement – and…
The post US DoJ guidance on responding to and reporting cyber incidents appeared first on Secu… Continue reading US DoJ guidance on responding to and reporting cyber incidents

Credential Theft: How It Works and How to Mitigate It

In the spirit of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re running a three-part series on how to shore up identity security and help prevent a data breach. In our first post below, we’ll take a look at how credential theft really works … Continue reading Credential Theft: How It Works and How to Mitigate It