Hands on with Boondock Echo

Perhaps no words fill me with more dread than, “I hear there’s something going around.” In my experience, you hear this when some nasty bug has worked its way into …read more Continue reading Hands on with Boondock Echo
Collaborate Disseminate
Perhaps no words fill me with more dread than, “I hear there’s something going around.” In my experience, you hear this when some nasty bug has worked its way into …read more Continue reading Hands on with Boondock Echo
You’ve got to love the aesthetics of dystopian cyberpunk video games, where all the technology looks like it’s cobbled together from cast-off bits of the old world’s remains. Kudos go …read more Continue reading Bringing a Baofeng into the Cyberpunk 2077 Universe
Like any hobby, amateur radio has no upper bounds on what you can spend getting geared up. Shacks worth tens of thousands of dollars are easy to come by, and …read more Continue reading Listening to the ISS on the Cheap
The Ham Radio All-in-one cable (AIOC) is a small PCB attachment for a popular series of radio transceivers which adds a USB-attached audio interface and virtual TTY port for programming …read more Continue reading AIOC: The Ham Radio All-In-One Cable For Audio and APRS
These days, sending a picture to someone else is as simple as pulling out your smartphone and sending it by email or text message. It’s so simple a child can …read more Continue reading This Standalone Camera Gets the Picture Through with SSTV
In amateur radio circles, almost no single piece of equipment serves as more of a magnet for controversy than the humble Baofeng handheld transceiver. It’s understandable — the radio is …read more Continue reading Getting to the Heart of a Baofeng
[Mark J Hughes] volunteers as a part of a local community fire watch which coordinates by radio. The La Habra Heights region of Los Angeles is an area of peaks …read more Continue reading 2022 Hackaday Prize: Boondock Echo Connects Your Radios with the Cloud
For radio enthusiasts worldwide, the inexpensive Chinese handheld radios produced by the likes of Baofeng and other brands have been a welcome addition to their arsenal. They make an ideal …read more Continue reading Is The Game Up For Baofeng In Europe?
A Baofeng radio is often one of the first purchases a new ham radio operator makes these days due to the decent features and low price tag. They are far …read more Continue reading Ham Radio Traffic Logger Using A Bug In Baofeng Electronics
It seems a bit unfair to pile on a product that has already been roundly criticized for its security vulnerabilities. But when that product is a device that is ostensibly deployed to keep one’s family and belongings safe, it’s plenty fair. And when that device is an alarm system that …read more
Continue reading Alarm System Defeated by $2 Wireless Dongle, Nobody Surprised