Information about thousands of hacked Pakistani bank card accounts appeared on the dark web this week, researchers said, following similar incidents in late October that roiled the country’s financial system and government. Hackers put the purloined details from 177,878 cards for sale on the dark web market Joker’s Stash around Nov. 13, according to Moscow-based cybersecurity company Group-IB, with 150,632 of those records appearing to come from Pakistani banks. An Oct. 27 breach led at least one bank, Karachi-based BankIslami, to shut down certain operations. Soon afterward, the cybersecurity organization PakCERT found thousands of Pakistani bank card records on the dark web. The latest dump does not include cards from BankIslami, Group-IB notes in its blog post about the breach. “The banks affected by this breach included major Pakistani financial organizations such as, Habib Bank, MCB Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited and many others,” the post said. “Habib Bank was affected most by […]
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