Hurricane Season is Upon Us: Is Your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan Ready?

As the southeastern United States braces for another hurricane season on the heels of the busy 2018 season, it’s a good reminder for all organizations, no matter where they are headquartered, to review their business continuity and disaster recovery pl… Continue reading Hurricane Season is Upon Us: Is Your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan Ready?

Salesforce Outage Highlights Why Backup is Critical

Last week’s Salesforce outage, which lasted 15 hours and 8 minutes, was widespread and severe as thousands of organizations were impacted across the globe. Spanning examines the key takeaways from the Salesforce outage and what we can do to bette… Continue reading Salesforce Outage Highlights Why Backup is Critical

Disaster Recovery with Azure Backup for SQL Server VMs

Running VMs in the cloud has become a big part of the modernization of IT infrastructure for most businesses. However, even though those VMs that are in the cloud, the backup mechanisms that they use to provide disaster recovery (DR) capabilities are essentially the same as they would use for on-premise VMs. They often use legacy technologies that require a lot of resources and are difficult to scale.

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Leveraging Virtualization for Improved Availability and Disaster Recovery

While there’s no doubt that the use of the cloud and containers are rapidly growing, the reality is that server virtualization is and will remain the core technology for running the vast majority of enterprise applications in the foreseeable future.

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Most IT Shops Have Latent Cyberthreats in Their Backups

Traditional solutions aren’t stopping cyberthreats from compromising critical network systems It’s alarming but true: Your organization is under assault. Cybercriminals have their sights set on your IT systems, and no matter what steps you take to pro… Continue reading Most IT Shops Have Latent Cyberthreats in Their Backups

Four Dangers of the Hybrid Cloud

While the security and redundancy provided with hybrid cloud setups is clearly documented, it’s important to keep these risk-factors in mind as you design your new environment.

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