Ambient Display Tells You if Borealis is Coming to Town

A wooden box sits on a darker wooden table. The box has a red, glowing number 8 on it.

For those times when you’d rather not get sucked down another internet rabbit hole when you really just wanted the weather, an ambient display can be great. [AlexanderK106] built a …read more Continue reading Ambient Display Tells You if Borealis is Coming to Town

Cheap All-Sky Camera is Easy as Pi

Combining a Raspberry Pi HQ camera and a waterproof housing, [jippo12] made an all-sky, all-Pi meteorite tracking camera on the cheap, and it takes fantastic photos of the heavens. It’s even got its own YouTube channel. Inside there’s a Raspberry Pi 4 plus an HQ camera to take the pictures. …read more

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Hacking the Ionosphere, for Science

Imagine what it must have been like for the first human to witness an aurora. It took a while for our species to migrate from its equatorial birthplace to latitudes where auroras are common, so it was a fairly recent event geologically speaking. Still, that first time seeing the shimmers …read more

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Scientists Solve the Mystery of Why the Northern and Southern Lights Don’t Match

A leading explanation for the different patterns seen in Earth’s northern and southern auroras has been ruled out. Continue reading Scientists Solve the Mystery of Why the Northern and Southern Lights Don’t Match

Joan Feynman Found Her Place in the Sun

Google ‘Joan Feynman’ and you can feel the search behemoth consider asking for clarification. Did you mean: Richard Feynman? Image search is even more biased toward Richard. After maybe seven pictures of Joan, there’s an endless scroll of Richard alone, Richard playing the bongos, Richard with Arline, the love of his life.

Yes, Joan was overshadowed by her older brother, but what physicist of the era wasn’t? Richard didn’t do it on purpose. In fact, no one supported Joan’s scientific dreams more than he did, not even their mother. Before Richard ever illuminated the world with his brilliance, he shined …read more

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