Some stars could swallow black holes – here’s how we can find them

Black holes are famous for gobbling up anything that gets too close – but could they ever be swallowed whole? A new study suggests that it’s possible that stars could capture very small black holes and keep them in their cores. There might even be a wa… Continue reading Some stars could swallow black holes – here’s how we can find them

Some stars could swallow black holes – here’s how we can find them

Black holes are famous for gobbling up anything that gets too close – but could they ever be swallowed whole? A new study suggests that it’s possible that stars could capture very small black holes and keep them in their cores. There might even be a wa… Continue reading Some stars could swallow black holes – here’s how we can find them

Ancient extragalactic star discovered at the heart of the Milky Way

Looking at all the stars in the night sky, you’d never notice that one of them wasn’t from around here. Astronomers have now found that a star right near the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way likely originated in a smaller galaxy t… Continue reading Ancient extragalactic star discovered at the heart of the Milky Way

Key chemical found at the edge of galaxy suggests alien life is common

Phosphorus – a key ingredient for life as we know it – was thought to be relatively rare in space. But now, astronomers have detected a surprising amount of the stuff on the fringes of the galaxy, suggesting life may be more common in the cosmos.Contin… Continue reading Key chemical found at the edge of galaxy suggests alien life is common

How a “supervoid” and modified gravity could solve a cosmic conundrum

One of the biggest cosmological mysteries centers on a discrepancy in how fast the universe is expanding. A new study comes to an intriguing solution by applying a modified theory of gravity and an unsettling “supervoid” that our galaxy resides in.Cont… Continue reading How a “supervoid” and modified gravity could solve a cosmic conundrum

Astonishing energy of BOAT gamma rays revealed

Earlier this year, it was reported that the Earth was hit by the brightest gamma-ray bursts seen since the dawn of civilization. Now, a team of astronomers has assigned a value to the energy contained in those blasts and it’s staggering to say the leas… Continue reading Astonishing energy of BOAT gamma rays revealed

Huge explosions 100 billion times the energy of the Sun stump scientists

Space is a place of astronomical violence and volatility, so it’s fitting that the latest puzzle that has stumped the stargazing science world has been dubbed the Tasmanian Devil, a likeminded erratic ball of pent-up energy in marsupial form.Continue R… Continue reading Huge explosions 100 billion times the energy of the Sun stump scientists

Huge explosions 100 billion times the energy of the Sun stump scientists

Space is a place of astronomical violence and volatility, so it’s fitting that the latest puzzle that has stumped the stargazing science world has been dubbed the Tasmanian Devil, a likeminded erratic ball of pent-up energy in marsupial form.Continue R… Continue reading Huge explosions 100 billion times the energy of the Sun stump scientists