NASA’s new HPE-built supercomputer will prepare for landing Artemis astronauts on the Moon

NASA and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) have teamed up to build a new supercomputer, which will serve NASA’s Ames Research Center in California and develop models and simulations of the landing process for Artemis Moon missions. The new supercomputer is called “Aitken,” named after American astronomer Robert Grant Aitken, and it can run simulations at […] Continue reading NASA’s new HPE-built supercomputer will prepare for landing Artemis astronauts on the Moon

Astronomer connects your SaaS with other SaaS for a true in-saas-ception

seedroundwallpapera Your SaaS is just out of control! You’re spending thousands or millions on products – a CRM system, a field operations app, a system to keep your life-like humanoid androids from killing park guests in your Wild West-themed adventure park – and none of these systems talk to each other, especially the ones that keep your robots from falling in love with the guests. What do… Read More Continue reading Astronomer connects your SaaS with other SaaS for a true in-saas-ception