Why does PEM Base64 created by `openssl pkey` not match the DER file passed in?

In experimenting with openssl on the Linux command line with elliptic curve secp256k1 I encountered a strange situation where on converting a DER private key file to PEM format using openssl pkey the Base64 in the PEM file does not match t… Continue reading Why does PEM Base64 created by `openssl pkey` not match the DER file passed in?

How to generate an X9.62 encoded ECDSA prime256v1 private key using OpenSSL?

I created a private key using Analog device’s signtool. It can be found part of "CrossCore Embedded Studio for Blackfin, SHARC and SHARC+ – Release (Rev. 2.12.0)". Link: https://www.analog.com/en/resources/evaluation-hardware-and… Continue reading How to generate an X9.62 encoded ECDSA prime256v1 private key using OpenSSL?

Trying to set up a crude prototype system to test BIMI using open-source tools

Please bear with me, I’m definitely not an expert here, and this is one case where Google, Bing, and their many AIs are not getting me a useful answer…
TL;DR? I’m looking for information on how to embed a logotype on a X.509 PEM certific… Continue reading Trying to set up a crude prototype system to test BIMI using open-source tools

OpenSSL cli: how to extract ESSCertID or ESSCertIDv2 from SignerInfo of timestamp token

If I have a Timestamp token, then the signing certificate for the token is identified via the ESSCertID (for RFC3161 tokens) or the ESSCertIDv2 (for FC5816) of the signing certificate, which is the SHA-1 (in the case of ESSCertID) or some … Continue reading OpenSSL cli: how to extract ESSCertID or ESSCertIDv2 from SignerInfo of timestamp token