Apple’s Siri Cheat Sheet: How to Use Siri and its Apple Intelligence Capabilities for Business

During WWDC 2024, Siri was given its largest overhaul since it was introduced back in 2011. Learn how to make the most of all the new features, including Apple Intelligence. Continue reading Apple’s Siri Cheat Sheet: How to Use Siri and its Apple Intelligence Capabilities for Business

Easily Exploitable Critical Vulnerabilities Found in Open Source AI/ML Tools

Protect AI warns of a dozen critical vulnerabilities in open source AI/ML tools reported via its bug bounty program.
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Event Preview: AI Risk Summit + CISO Forum at the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay | June 25-26, 2024

SecurityWeek host its AI Risk Summit + CISO Forum Summer Summit on June 25-26, 2024, at the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay.
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AI and the Indian Election

As India concluded the world’s largest election on June 5, 2024, with over 640 million votes counted, observers could assess how the various parties and factions used artificial intelligence technologies—and what lessons that holds for the rest of the world.

The campaigns made extensive use of AI, including deepfake impersonations of candidates, celebrities and dead politicians. By some estimates, millions of Indian voters viewed deepfakes.

But, despite fears of widespread disinformation, for the most part the campaigns, candidates and activists used AI constructively in the election. They used AI for typical political activities, including mudslinging, but primarily to better connect with voters…

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Urgently needed: AI governance in cyber warfare

Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming central to societal growth. AI has great power to improve daily life, from education to healthcare, from sustainability to defense. AI also brings to the forefront a number of risks that cut across the core v… Continue reading Urgently needed: AI governance in cyber warfare

Self-replicating Morris II worm targets AI email assistants

The proliferation of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) email assistants such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 and Google’s Smart Compose has revolutionized communication workflows. Unfortunately, it has also introduced novel attack vectors for cyber criminals. Leveraging recent advancements in AI and natural language processing, malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities in GenAI systems to orchestrate sophisticated cyberattacks with far-reaching […]

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Using AI for Political Polling

Public polling is a critical function of modern political campaigns and movements, but it isn’t what it once was. Recent US election cycles have produced copious postmortems explaining both the successes and the flaws of public polling. There are two main reasons polling fails.

First, nonresponse has skyrocketed. It’s radically harder to reach people than it used to be. Few people fill out surveys that come in the mail anymore. Few people answer their phone when a stranger calls. Pew Research reported that 36% of the people they called in 1997 would talk to them, but only 6% by 2018. Pollsters worldwide have faced similar challenges…

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