AI’s role in accelerating vulnerability management

With its capability to analyze, predict, and automate, AI stands to reshape many corners of business, most notably cybersecurity. In the field of vulnerability management specifically, AI is poised to have a profound impact, enhancing two key areas: Pr… Continue reading AI’s role in accelerating vulnerability management

Why CISOs need to build cyber fault tolerance into their business

CISOs who elevate response and recovery to equal status with prevention are generating more value than those who adhere to outdated zero tolerance for failure mindsets, according to Gartner. “Each new cybersecurity disruption exposes the fact that CISO… Continue reading Why CISOs need to build cyber fault tolerance into their business

Cybersecurity pros change strategies to combat AI-powered threats

75% of security professionals had to change their cybersecurity strategy in the last year due to the rise in AI-powered cyber threats, with 73% expressing a greater focus on prevention capabilities, according to Deep Instinct. Additionally, 97% of resp… Continue reading Cybersecurity pros change strategies to combat AI-powered threats

OpenAI, Anthropic Research Reveals More About How LLMs Affect Security and Bias

Anthropic opened a window into the ‘black box’ where ‘features’ steer a large language model’s output. OpenAI dug into the same concept two weeks later with a deep dive into sparse autoencoders. Continue reading OpenAI, Anthropic Research Reveals More About How LLMs Affect Security and Bias

AWS Custom Silicon Chips Range a Sign of What’s Coming to APAC Cloud Computing

Rampant demand for AI computing is driving cloud providers like Microsoft, Google and AWS to build custom silicon chips. Soon, APAC customers will have more choice based on use case and cost. Continue reading AWS Custom Silicon Chips Range a Sign of What’s Coming to APAC Cloud Computing