EU Cracks Down on Apple for Anti-Competitive Behavior – Here’s What Apple Told Us in Response

A spokesperson for Apple also told TechRepublic that the European Commission’s decision will “… wrap us in red tape, slowing down Apple’s ability to innovate for users in Europe.” Continue reading EU Cracks Down on Apple for Anti-Competitive Behavior – Here’s What Apple Told Us in Response

What Do Apple’s EU App Store Changes Mean for App Developers?

The EU says the DMA keeps markets fair and open; Apple says the DMA introduces security problems. Apple is leveling fees against independent app stores. Continue reading What Do Apple’s EU App Store Changes Mean for App Developers?

Facebook has booted tens of thousands of data-grabbing apps

400 developers have been naughty with user data, noncompliant with policy, and/or have ignored Facebook’s audit, it says. Continue reading Facebook has booted tens of thousands of data-grabbing apps

Client Applications: A Hacker’s Easiest Target?

A perfect storm is brewing for any application running in a workstation—the client application—which is putting a target on its back and placing it in the “most vulnerable” category. The increasingly large amount of sensitive data aggregat… Continue reading Client Applications: A Hacker’s Easiest Target?

Mobile security: Getting to total mobile threat protection

It may come as a surprise to some organizations, but enterprise mobility management (EMM) does not equate to mobile security. Yes, EMM is considered the standard for mobile management, but EMM alone will not keep you or your mobile users and data … Continue reading Mobile security: Getting to total mobile threat protection