Google Won’t Patch A Critical Android Flaw Before ‘Android O’ Release

Millions of Android smartphones are at serious risk of “screen hijack” vulnerability that allows hackers to steal your passwords, bank details, as well as helps ransomware apps extort money from victims.

The worse thing is that Google says it won’t be… Continue reading Google Won’t Patch A Critical Android Flaw Before ‘Android O’ Release

Going Inside an Arbitrary Kernel Write Vulnerability in the Nexus 9

The IBM X-Force Application Security Research Team discovered an arbitrary write vulnerability in Nexus 9’s kernel, putting application data at risk.

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Continue reading Going Inside an Arbitrary Kernel Write Vulnerability in the Nexus 9

Google Patches Android Custom Boot Mode Vulnerability

IBM’s X-Force security team discovers a high-risk vulnerability in the Android platform opening phones up to DoS and elevation of privilege vulnerabilities. Continue reading Google Patches Android Custom Boot Mode Vulnerability

Android Vulnerabilities: Attacking Nexus 6 and 6P Custom Boot Modes

X-Force researchers disclosed several Android vulnerabilities that could enable cybercriminals to use custom boot modes to take over Nexus 6 and 6P modems.

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Continue reading Android Vulnerabilities: Attacking Nexus 6 and 6P Custom Boot Modes

Leftover Factory Debugger Doubles as Android Backdoor

A researcher has found a backdoor, which he calls Pork Explosion, in an Android bootloader built by Foxconn. Continue reading Leftover Factory Debugger Doubles as Android Backdoor

Undocumented Patched Vulnerability in Nexus 5X Allowed for Memory Dumping Via USB

The IBM X-Force Application Security Research Team discovered a previously undocumented vulnerability in older versions of Nexus 5X’s Android images.

The post Undocumented Patched Vulnerability in Nexus 5X Allowed for Memory Dumping Via USB appeared first on Security Intelligence.

Continue reading Undocumented Patched Vulnerability in Nexus 5X Allowed for Memory Dumping Via USB

Scope of Gaping Android Security Hole Grows

Security researchers at Skycure are upping the ante on a vulnerability that it says now leaves 95.4 percent of all Android devices vulnerable to an attack that hands over control of a phone or tablet to an attacker. Continue reading Scope of Gaping Android Security Hole Grows

Google Patches Old Flaw Exploited by Rooting Application

Today’s monthly Android Nexus Security Bulletin from Google includes a patch for a vulnerability being exploited in the wild to root Nexus 5 Android devices. Continue reading Google Patches Old Flaw Exploited by Rooting Application