Amazon, AT&T, Verizon Named Best Tech Companies for Career Growth in 2024, LinkedIn Reports

The best tech companies to work for based on LinkedIn rankings include Amazon in the number one spot. Continue reading Amazon, AT&T, Verizon Named Best Tech Companies for Career Growth in 2024, LinkedIn Reports

Women in Tech: Steps Leaders Can Take to Improve Retention and Career Opportunities

Reducing stereotyping, providing mentorship and more can help women thrive in IT careers. Continue reading Women in Tech: Steps Leaders Can Take to Improve Retention and Career Opportunities

Deadline for EU DMA Compliance Reports Arrives for ‘Gatekeeper’ Orgs

Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft were named influential gatekeepers under the Digital Markets Act. Continue reading Deadline for EU DMA Compliance Reports Arrives for ‘Gatekeeper’ Orgs

Incredible database now includes almost every protein known to science

Last year, Alphabet’s DeepMind released an open source database of the 3D structures of hundreds of thousands of proteins, including all 20,000 known proteins in the human body. Now, this AlphaFold Protein Structure Database has been expanded to 200 mi… Continue reading Incredible database now includes almost every protein known to science

Incredible database now includes almost every protein known to science

Last year, Alphabet’s DeepMind released an open source database of the 3D structures of hundreds of thousands of proteins, including all 20,000 known proteins in the human body. Now, this AlphaFold Protein Structure Database has been expanded to 200 mi… Continue reading Incredible database now includes almost every protein known to science

Wing widens its drone delivery service to include everyday groceries

Back in 2017, Wing began dropping off burritos to hungry folks in rural Australia, and has since broadened its offerings to include coffee, fried chicken and Vietnamese cuisine. Its latest move might be its biggest one yet, with the Alphabet spin off p… Continue reading Wing widens its drone delivery service to include everyday groceries

Alphabet lets AI take the lead role in new drug discovery startup

Last year, DeepMind produced a stunning advance in scientific research, demonstrating how its artificial intelligence could be used to predict 3D structures of unique proteins in a solution to a 50-year science problem. This has moved parent company Al… Continue reading Alphabet lets AI take the lead role in new drug discovery startup

DeepMind AI predicts incoming rainfall with high accuracy

Having flexed its muscles in predicting kidney injury, toppling Go champions and solving 50-year-old science problems, artificial intelligence company DeepMind is now dipping its toes in weather forecasting. The company’s latest tool is designed to pre… Continue reading DeepMind AI predicts incoming rainfall with high accuracy