What is meant by the duality and homomorphism of an encryption algorithm? [migrated]

I am new to the field of cryptography and security so spare me with this question. What is the general idea of duality and homomorphism of an encryption algorithm? And how one may prove those two properties of a real world encryption algor… Continue reading What is meant by the duality and homomorphism of an encryption algorithm? [migrated]

With the random numbers generated, can I know which RNG seed was used? [migrated]

My teacher challenged us to find out which seed was used to generate some random numbers. I would like to know if it is possible to decipher the seed using the generated numbers (break the linear congruence algorithm). If possible, I ask y… Continue reading With the random numbers generated, can I know which RNG seed was used? [migrated]

Sort the Rainbow with an Algorithm Machine

When you’re trying to learn how an algorithm works, it’s not always easy to visualize what’s going on. Well, except for maybe binary sort, thanks to the phone book. Professor [thatguyer] is a computer science teacher who wanted a way to help his students visualize the process of algorithms and …read more

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Finding encryption algorithm from known and encrypted password strings [duplicate]

I am working with a piece of software which seems to use some type of lightweight, “home baked” password encryption algorithm.

I know a number of clear text passwords as well as their corresponding encrypted as they are stored in the data… Continue reading Finding encryption algorithm from known and encrypted password strings [duplicate]

Search for existence of sensitive substring without revealing substring in cleartext

I have a list of very sensitive strings and I want to ensure that these strings do not exist in a set of documents (potentially very large documents).

However, these substrings are so sensitive that I don’t want the third-party performing… Continue reading Search for existence of sensitive substring without revealing substring in cleartext

Scrypt KDF cipher – known vulnerabilities and cryptanalysis? [migrated]

There is a scrypt cipher which is used for exmaple by some cryptos like LItecoin for their mining algorithm.

I never heard of scrypt. I know eg SHA256 which is well analyzed and considered as secure until now.

ANy known crypatanalysi… Continue reading Scrypt KDF cipher – known vulnerabilities and cryptanalysis? [migrated]