Brain region that influences binge drinking identified

New animal research from scientists at the Medical University of South Carolina has found binge drinking can be controlled by blocking a key brain region linked to emotion-related behavior. The mouse studies suggest blocking certain opioid receptors in… Continue reading Brain region that influences binge drinking identified

Scientists uncover metabolic mechanisms behind herbal “hangover cure”

A good night out is all too often followed by a bad day. Most of us would probably reach for a glass of water and some greasy food over a herbal remedy that’s claimed to be a hangover cure, but dihydromyricetin (DHM) does seem to have some effect. And … Continue reading Scientists uncover metabolic mechanisms behind herbal “hangover cure”

Unique bladder-brewery condition causes woman to pee alcohol

Doctors at the University of Pittsburgh are reporting a bizarre case of a woman who urinates alcohol. The medical mystery confounded scientists when the woman showed none of the other regular signs of excessive alcohol consumption, leading them to conc… Continue reading Unique bladder-brewery condition causes woman to pee alcohol

Death to all Coca Cola Cans with This Miniature Arduino Powered Cannon

[MJKZZ] sends in this entertaining little tutorial on building a small automated cannon out of a syringe.

He starts the build off by modifying an arc lighter, the fancy kind one might use to light a fire on a windy day, so that it can be controlled by a micro-controller. …read more

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Scientists distill radioactive-free vodka from Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

For the daring tippler, scientists from Ukraine and the University of Portsmouth led by Professor Jim Smith have distilled an artisan “radioactive-free” vodka made from ingredients from the Exclusion Zone around the Chernobyl nuclear reactor … Continue reading Scientists distill radioactive-free vodka from Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Scottish artificial tongue can tell a dram from a sham

A tiny artificial tongue which can identify individual whiskies by taste has been invented by a team of engineers from – of course – the University of Glasgow. The device could mean big things for drink makers wanting to ensure a consistent p… Continue reading Scottish artificial tongue can tell a dram from a sham

Common Chemicals Combine To Make Metallic Sodium

There’s no debating that metallic sodium is exciting stuff, but getting your hands on some can be problematic, what with the need to ship it in a mineral oil bath to keep it from exploding. So why not make your own? No problem, just pass a few thousand amps of …read more

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BevMo leaks credit card data (including CVVs) of 15,000 customers

American alcohol retailer BevMo has suffered a breach that leaked credit card data, including security codes, belonging to 15,000 customers. A privately-held corporation based in Concord, California, BevMo sells mostly alcoholic beverages. The company … Continue reading BevMo leaks credit card data (including CVVs) of 15,000 customers