Bike-mounted Air device monitors air quality along cyclists’ routes

Because many cyclists ride all over town, they encounter a wide range of air quality – more so than could be monitored by stationary sensors. The handlebar-mounted Air was designed with that in mind, as it measures the air quality while its user pedals… Continue reading Bike-mounted Air device monitors air quality along cyclists’ routes

Harvard study links poor office air quality with reduced cognitive function

New research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has found a correlation between air quality in office environments and workers’ cognitive function. The international study found low ventilation rates and increased levels of particulate … Continue reading Harvard study links poor office air quality with reduced cognitive function

World’s smallest fine particle air pollution sensor fits inside a phone

Paul Maierhofer with his tiny particle sensor, the black square in the middle of the board

Air pollution involving very fine dust, such as PM2.5 particles, poses a serious threat to human health. Scientists in Austria have developed what they call the smallest particle sensor in the world, designed specifically to detect these harmful pollutants and offer a highly localized picture of air quality by being integrated into wearables and mobile devices.

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Magnetic leaves could see trees used as low-cost air quality monitors

Advances in technology have allowed for some high-tech ways to monitor air quality, from satellites that orbit the Earth to art installations that light up when pollutants are low. Scientists at the University of Utah have come up with a relatively low… Continue reading Magnetic leaves could see trees used as low-cost air quality monitors

Two-Part, Four-Wire Air Quality Meter Shows How It’s Done

The Bosch BME680 is a super-capable environmental sensor, and [Random Nerd Tutorials] has married it to the ESP32 to create an air quality meter that serves as a great tutorial on not just getting the sensor up and running, but also in setting up a simple (and optional) web server …read more

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