What’s a good way to append a nonce to ciphertext in Python for AES GCM in Python?

I’m not a security expert, so please excuse this question if it’s silly, but I would really like an answer. I am using AES GCM to encrypt and would like to combine the randomly generated nonce with the ciphertext for convenience.
What’s an… Continue reading What’s a good way to append a nonce to ciphertext in Python for AES GCM in Python?

Any information on the encrypted Knoppix user data file system (knoppix-data.aes)?

I remember about 90% of my password used for encrypting the persistent user data file system (stored as knoppix-data.aes) while setting up Knoppix a few years ago and would now like to explore the feasibility of a dictionary brute-force at… Continue reading Any information on the encrypted Knoppix user data file system (knoppix-data.aes)?

Is the example in the QUIC spec for header encryption wrong, or have I missed something?

In the QUIC spec, they’ve provided an example of header protection:
They’ve got the following process (paraphrasing):
hp = c206b8d9b9f0f37644430b490eeaa314
sample … Continue reading Is the example in the QUIC spec for header encryption wrong, or have I missed something?