Teenage Hacker Arrested For Disrupting 911 Service With DDoS Attack

Just last month, researchers explained how an attacker can knock the 911 service offline in an entire state by launching automated Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks using a botnet of just 6000 smartphones.

But, doing so, in reality, could n… Continue reading Teenage Hacker Arrested For Disrupting 911 Service With DDoS Attack

Here’s How Hackers Can Disrupt ‘911’ Emergency System and Put Your Life at Risk

What would it take for hackers to significantly disrupt the US’ 911 emergency call system?

It only takes 6,000 Smartphones.

Yes, you heard it right!

According to new research published last week, a malicious attacker can leverage a botnet of infecte… Continue reading Here’s How Hackers Can Disrupt ‘911’ Emergency System and Put Your Life at Risk