End of SMS-based 2-Factor Authentication; Yes, It’s Insecure!

SMS-based Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) has been declared insecure and soon it might be a thing of the past.

Two-Factor Authentication or 2FA adds an extra step of entering a random passcode sent to you via an SMS or call when you log in to your acc… Continue reading End of SMS-based 2-Factor Authentication; Yes, It’s Insecure!

YouTube star asks for fans’ passwords to hijack their Twitter accounts

Says comedian and rapper Jack Johnson: “I need some street cred, I hope the Feds show up to my front door.” Continue reading YouTube star asks for fans’ passwords to hijack their Twitter accounts

Psssst! Want to get paid to use 2FA? [Chet Chat Podcast 247]

Security experts John Shier and Paul Ducklin team up for the latest episode of our weekly podcast. Enjoy! Continue reading Psssst! Want to get paid to use 2FA? [Chet Chat Podcast 247]