I started a vault server with the -dev flag and the UI is empty. What am I doing wrong? [closed]

I downloaded Hashicorp Vault. I "installed" it which is just unzipping the archive and moving the vault application to wherever I want to run it from. I also added the path to the PATHS environment variable so that I can run the … Continue reading I started a vault server with the -dev flag and the UI is empty. What am I doing wrong? [closed]

How do I create a pem file that I can use in a console app to authenticate to an SFTP service?

I’m writing a little program that downloads some basic data, consolidates it into a CSV and drop it to an SFTP server. I’m told that I need to generate a pem file. My search online suggests that pem is a private/public key pairing and that… Continue reading How do I create a pem file that I can use in a console app to authenticate to an SFTP service?

To authorize an App Service to get keys from Key Vault, do I need to use the IAM blade or the Access Policies blade? [migrated]

I’m unclear about how I authorize an Azure App Service to get a key from Azure Key Vault using System Assigned Managed Service Identities. Do I use the IAM blade and give the App Service Identity the Reader role? Or do I got to the Access … Continue reading To authorize an App Service to get keys from Key Vault, do I need to use the IAM blade or the Access Policies blade? [migrated]